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Huawei Goes Beyond Traditional Boundaries in Five Areas and Teams up with Partners for a Fully-connected, Intelligent World

Feb 08, 2018

[London, February 8, 2018] Today, Huawei held a Pre-MWC 2018 Media and Analyst Briefing in London, during which the company called on all industries to work together and go beyond traditional boundaries in the areas of capabilities, connections, business, experience, and partnerships for a fully-connected, intelligent world.

The 4th Industrial Revolution – where ICT networks are the foundation and AI is the enabler – is bringing us to an intelligent world where all things will sense, all things will be connected, and all things will be intelligent. This will create a digital transformation market worth US$23 trillion. Huawei's Global Industry Vision (GIV) shows:

  • By 2025, the number of personal smart devices will reach 40 billion, 90% of smart device users will have an intelligent personal assistant, and many households will have a robot. As devices are able to sense and two-way human-machine communication and proactive information services are a reality, individual potential will be significantly unlocked.
  • At the business and societal levels, 100 billion connections that will be created around the world by 2025 will be widely used for public utilities, transportation, manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, finance, and other sectors, driving them to go digital. By 2025, 85% of enterprise applications will be deployed in the cloud, and 86% of global companies will adopt AI.
  • By 2025, 180 ZB of data will be generated around the world every year, a 20-fold increase compared with today. Such new data will become a huge "data oilfield", serving as an inexhaustible source of intelligence and value.

Moving forward, Huawei is committed to bringing digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world. Ryan Ding, Executive Director of the Board and President of Huawei Carrier BG, said: "Huawei focuses on ICT infrastructure and smart devices to provide a plot of 'rich soil' for the development of information, automation, and intelligence technologies. In this 'soil', partners can grow their content, applications, and cloud."

Ding added, "Before entering the intelligent world, we are still faced with many challenges. To achieve sustainable business growth, we need to keep moving beyond existing constraints and boundaries, first internally and then externally." He called on all industries to go beyond the boundaries in the areas of capabilities, connections, business, experience, and partnerships and together shape a better future.

Ryan Ding, Executive Director of the Board and President of Huawei Carrier BG, delivering a keynote speech

  • Beyond today's capabilities, from digital to intelligent: As a general purpose technology, AI has been integrated into Huawei's many products and solutions and has greatly improved the efficiency of live networks. For example, Huawei's All-Cloud intelligent networks can generate millions of bills in minutes and help users search billions of pictures in seconds.
  • Beyond today's connections, creating unlimited potential: With 5G, carrier networks will have many more purposes and serve more types of targets, including people, things, and industries. One physical network will promise millions of use cases. In 2018, Huawei will invest CNY5 billion in R&D for 5G, and launch a full range of commercial 5G equipment, including wireless access networks, bearer networks, core networks, and devices. Additionally, Huawei will drive the large-scale commercial deployment of NB-IoT networks around the world, and increase the number of NB-IoT connections to over 100 million.
  • Beyond today's business, unlocking new growth: Business success is the ultimate goal of a company. Carriers should pursue broad business innovation by making the most of existing networks and adopting a forward-looking approach:

In new domains like the Internet of Things (IoT), carriers can innovate business models based on the ecosystem to create higher potential for growth and drive the fast development of smart cities, smart industries, and smart homes. By making video a new basic service, carriers can make it a new engine for revenue growth. A better video experience will also promote the development of network infrastructure. In 2017, over 100 carriers around the world made video their basic service, with this number expected to increase to 150 in 2018.

In traditional business domains, Huawei helps carriers delve deeper into their services and improve user experience. Huawei's scenario-based site solutions help connect the unconnected individuals. Huawei's quality home broadband solutions deliver a new Wi-Fi speed of 300 Mbps for households. Huawei's integrated cloud-network synergy solution enables deep integration of resources and services between enterprise private lines and cloud services.

  • Beyond today's experience, hitting the ROADS: Huawei's digital operations solutions enable all-online data, operations automation, and intelligent decision-making. They help carriers deliver a Real-time, On-demand, All-online, DIY, and Social (ROADS) experience through their internal O&M processes. Externally, these solutions enable carriers to build a 360-degree customer experience assurance system across all channels, all processes, all services, and the entire lifecycle.
  • Beyond today's partnerships, building a richer ecosystem: Huawei works with partners to build an open, collaborative multi-layered ecosystem that thrives on shared success and to jointly shape the future of the industry. These partnerships take the form of joint incubation of business solutions, active participation in open source communities and industry alliances, and building OpenLabs.

At the upcoming Mobile World Congress 2018, Huawei will launch over 20 new products, showcase the results of its cooperation with over 300 partners, host five forums, and engage in many other activities to share its practices and exchange views with the industry. The aim is to jointly embark on the ROADS to a fully-connected, intelligent world.

The Mobile World Congress 2018 will be held in Barcelona from February 26 to March 1. At the MWC, Huawei will give keynote speeches, host forums, and engage in many other activities under the theme of "ROADS to a Better Future". The company is looking to discuss plans for industry development with industry players and, together, shape a better future. During the MWC, Huawei will also showcase its latest products and solutions and, together with partners, provide demonstrations in multiple scenarios.

Huawei's exhibits will be located at booth 1J50 in Fira Gran Via Hall 1, booth 3130 in Hall 3, and the Innovation City Exhibition Zone in Hall 4. For more information, please visit: