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Security Advisory - Reset Password and Information Leak Vulnerabilities in Huawei UMA

  • SA No:huawei-sa-20160824-02-uma
  • Initial Release Date: Aug 24, 2016
  • Last Release Date: Aug 30, 2016

The Unified Maintenance Audit (UMA) system provides a unified portal for O&M operations, controls and records users' O&M operations, and supports auditing by way of command display and video replay.

The UMA has two security vulnerabilities. One vulnerability is due to insufficient parameter validation on some pages, allowing an attacker to reset the password of an arbitrary user. Successful exploit could affect system data integrity. (Vulnerability ID: HWPSIRT-2016-07049)

This vulnerability has been assigned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) ID: CVE-2016-7107.

Another vulnerability allows users to obtain the MD5 values of other users' passwords, causing the leak of users' sensitive information. (Vulnerability ID: HWPSIRT-2016-07051)

This vulnerability has been assigned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) ID: CVE-2016-7108.

Huawei has released software updates to fix these vulnerabilities. This advisory is available at the following link:

Product Name

Affected Version

Resolved Product and Version


V200R001C00SPC200 and earlier versions

V200R001C00SPC200+ SPH206


An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to affect system data integrity.


An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to obtain the sensitive information of other users’.

The vulnerability classification has been performed by using the CVSSv2 scoring system (


Base Score: 5.0 (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N)

Temporal Score: 4.1 (E:F/RL:O/RC:C)


Base Score: 4.0 (AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:P/I:N/A:N)

Temporal Score: 3.3 (E:F/RL:O/RC:C)


1. Prerequisite:
The attacker has connected to the device.

2. Attacking procedure:
Due to insufficient parameter validation on some pages, allowing an attacker to reset the password of an arbitrary user. Successful exploit could affect system data integrity.


1. Prerequisite:
The attacker has connected to the LAN through a LAN port or Wi-Fi network.

2. Attacking procedure:
One user can obtain the MD5 values of other users' passwords, causing the leak of users' sensitive information.

Customers should contact Huawei TAC (Huawei Technical Assistance Center) to request the upgrades. For TAC contact information, please refer to Huawei worldwide website at

These vulnerabilities were disclosed by the Third Research Institute of Ministry of Public Security on the Cyber Force Fornum (CFF) Hacker Show sub-forum and reported to Huawei PSIRT.  Huawei would like to thank the Third Research Institute of Ministry for working with us and coordinated vulnerability disclosure to protect our customers.

2016-08-30 V1.1 UPDATE Add the CVE ID
2016-08-24 V1.0 INITIAL

Huawei adheres to protecting the ultimate interests of users with best efforts and the principle of responsible disclosure and deal with product security issues through our response mechanism.

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