The Tech Podcast
2022.03.16 29:29
International Women’s Day 2022. Equality Today.
2021.12.09 17:14
Connected Britain; Tech Start Up Spotlight Part 1
2021.12.01 26:28
Robotic Farming meet 3D Vitamins
2021.11.30 30:32
Flying Cars Are Here!
2021.09.02 15:44
Exploration: Land on Mars & Life below the Ocean
2021.08.24 17:24
What is Reality?
About the Tech Podcast
From flying cars, deep sea exploration, robotics, Mars landing, Artificial Intelligence, gaming to virtual reality and more, technology continuous to develop at a pace faster than we can keep up. Exploring how these develop, from idea to invention, their impact on everyday life to impact in our home environments to policies, join us as we showcase the next amazing inventions in tech. Hear what the brightest minds are up to now and what the next big thing will be that will transform our lives. Time to geek out and get excited about all that's still to come.